
This calculator helps you determine the last day in which Canadians living abroad can register to vote in the 2025 federal election. Read beneath the calculator to learn how how it works.

Election Countdown Calculator

How is this calculated?

Various factors are built into this calculation including that:

1. Federal election must be on a Monday and campaigns must be at least 37 days long.  Since parliament is prorogued until 24 March at the time of writing, the current earliest possible election day is Monday, 5 May.  The election date can be no later than 19 October 2025. 

2. Until the Prime Minister chooses the exact date, you can forecast how much time you will have to register to vote by selection any Monday date in the calendar field. 
3. The application registration deadline is at 18:00 EST on the Tuesday before election day.

4. Elections Canada requires time to process voter registration applications.  This calculator assumes it will take Elections Canada three days to complete this processing.
5. You must provide an estimate, depending on your location, of how many days it will take to receive your approved ballot from Elections Canada by post.

6. You must provide an estimate, depending on your location, of how many days it will take to send your ballot back to Elections Canada by return post. 

7. Use this link to register your vote at Elections Canada.

We hope this service helps.  While you are at it, why not join Grits Abroad?